Windsor Strong Academy Students Meet with Chamber of Commerce

What makes a community strong? Sometimes it can be a simple as getting members of that community together.

Students in the Windsor Strong Academy, who have been studying what makes a community strong, met with Judi Hess, the Director of the Convention and Visitors’ Bureau at the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce. She spoke to the students about how events such as the Bridge Run and Spiedie Fest can raise the profile of a community and bring people together.

“It’s important for (the students) to know putting on an event isn’t overwhelming. If you have a good idea you can put something together for the community,” said Hess.

Hess told the students about how April the Giraffe’s birth at Animal Adventure in Harpursville helped bring international interest to the Greater Binghamton area. She also spoke about how Binghamton was recently able to lure the New York State High School Basketball Championship to the Maines Veterans Memorial Arena.

“I like that there are a lot of events that are bringing people together. People aren’t just thinking of themselves but are thinking of events for the whole community,” said Amara Keefer who will enter 8th grade in September.

“I think one of the things that makes a community strong is events like Spiedie Fest. I think it’s great the community is trying to get everyone involved,” said Giovanna Bucciarelli, who is entering 9th grade. “I think bringing more events to Windsor would be fun. Maybe the school district could partner with other districts to bring everyone together.”

Students are now studying in groups based on what issue they feel is most important in making a community strong. Bucciarelli has picked finance while Keefer has chosen events.

Students will make a final presentation on July 27th. Next week students will meet with members of the Binghamton Devils front office, the Mental Health Association of the Southern Tier and Binghamton University.

Students at conference table listening to speaker

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