COVID Protocols for 2022- 23
The Windsor Central School District will follow the same protocols that the New York State Department of Health and the Broome County Department of Health have adopted from the August 2022 CDC guidance.
At this time, the guidance recommends the following:
- No masks in school (Unless tested positive for COVID with a 10-day mask wearing window, or is a verified close contact of a positive COVID case with a 10-day mask wearing window, or if you want to wear a mask for personal reasons)
- No masks required on school buses
- No mandated social distancing
- No student cohorting
- No school contact tracing.
- No mandatory quarantine for close contacts regardless of vaccination status
- No test to stay for close contacts
- No employee weekly screening regardless of vaccination status
- If COVID positive; stay home for 5 days. If fever free for 24 hours and feeling better, students can return to school and mask until day 10 of the on-set of symptoms. It is recommend taking a COVID test at home or at physician’s office if symptomatic
- The district will once again be providing home test kits for symptomatic students and staff. Please contact your nurse’s office for assistance
The district continues to recommend to Stay home if you are sick!