A Good Read

Thoughts of summer led to a memorable school year for Bell Elementary’s Nicholas Kristof. He won first place in the WSKG Student Writing Challenge for his book about things to do in the summer. He placed first in the K-1 nonfiction category.
“I was excited. I felt happy,” said Kristof. “I told my older brother Charles. My parents already knew.”

Kristof wrote about how he liked playing football in the summer, and that there are also thunderstorms. He drew pictures in his book to illustrate the story.

“I was very proud of him. I know he worked super hard on it. It was actually something he wrote at home and his mom messaged me as he was writing it. He brought it in, and it was beautifully done,” said Bell Elementary teacher Colleen Patch.

“He loves to make books, so he literally made this book out of printer paper and tape. I sent it back to Mrs. Patch and asked, ‘Is this OK?’” said Nicholas’ mother, Carli Kristof. “I’m so proud of him. He did the whole thing himself. I think he did a great job. He’s such a creative boy.”

Nicholas and other winners will be honored at a reception at the WSKG offices in Vestal on June 5.

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