Elementary Schools Celebrate Kindness Week

Windsor’s three elementary schools celebrated kindness this week, with the youngest Black Knights classmates, completing surprise class kindness challenges, and spreading kindness to family members at home.
Staff members want to continue an atmosphere where people spread kindness and empathy, creating a brighter, more compassionate future.

“This special week was a testament to the power of empathy and compassion teaching our children the importance of understanding and caring for others,” said Bell Elementary counselor Lori Fisher.  

Each school created kindness chains, with teachers, parents, and caregivers documenting acts of kindness students performed at school and home. The elementary schools are hoping to document 900 acts of kindness across the three schools.

“The best part is the number we received back from families,” said Palmer Elementary counselor Sandra Tredo. “We talk about kindness all year long but having them recognize that small things can change someone’s day – saying thank you or checking in on someone.”

Teachers at Weeks Elementary solicited members of the community and others to send kindness messages to the students. The school received almost 200 such messages from people in New York state, across the country and from outside the U.S. People sent messages from Japan and Australia and other messages are en route from China and France.

“The kids are excited to see a new card and seeing if they can color in a new state. They are excited to hear kindness exists everywhere,” said Darling.

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