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VIDEO: Capital Improvement Project and Vehicle Purchase Vote
The Windsor Central School District will hold a special vote on two propositions on November 23rd. The first is a $27.5-million dollar Capital Improvement Project. If approved, the Capital Improvement Project would be funded by state aid (more than 85% of the cost) and capital reserves, so it would have no additional impact on local taxes.

The second proposition is the district's annual Vehicle Purchase vote. The district is seeking to purchase three 66-passenger buses at a cost not to exceed $390,000 dollars. Each of the three buses we would replace will have in excess of 200,000 miles. State aid would cover 90% of the cost with the rest coming from the district's annual budget. 

2021 Capital Project Newsletter 2021

You can watch a video that greater explains the two propositions here: 

There will be a public hearing on the project at Bell Elementary on Tuesday, November 16th at 6pm. You can also contact the office of Windsor CSD Superintendent, Dr. Jason Andrews, with any questions regarding the vote but calling (607) 655-8216, or emailing [email protected].