Windsor Strong Students held their cardboard city competition Monday. Students considered the following when planning their city: water, culture, and geography. They also factored in what environmental factors affect how buildings are built, and cities are created. The cities also had to include well-designed components like buildings, streets, parks, and transportation. Teams also earned points for structural integrity, creativity, and originality.
After the cardboard city competition, Windsor Strong students took a trip to the Windsor Central High School Land Lab. They are engaging in a green project this week. They either need to design a pollinator garden for the Palmer Colonial Garden or a black and gold perennial flower arrangement by the WCHS sign
Knight Lights students began their final week of camp with an assortment of STEM activities, including building with marshmallows and toothpicks, Play-Doh, and Keva Structures.
Football, soccer, and golf camps began Monday.
Football players mini combine featuring the following: a 5-10-5 agility run, 40-yard dash, push-up station, sit-up station, and standing long jump.
Soccer players focused on the mechanics of passing, dribbling, running into space, and possession. They also divided into team countries for a World Cup-type tournament.
Golfers began camp working on chipping, putting, and etiquette and took full swings with woods and irons.