Summer Program Recap - July 31

Windsor Strong Students visited Binghamton University’s Kaufman Business Incubator in downtown Binghamton on Wednesday. They learned what a business incubator is, met with green energy companies, and took a tour. Xin Xu, Technical Director at AgreatE, a clean energy company, spoke to the students.

Windsor Strong students are developing a green project. Some student groups are designing a pollinator garden for the Palmer Colonial Garden, others are building a black and gold perennial flower arrangement to put by the WCHS sign. Students will present those projects during an event for caregivers on Thursday.
Knight Lights students continued their final week of camp. Wednesday was Future Ready Day. Students were dressed as members of the occupation they would like to pursue as adults. Wednesday's STEAM activity was making ice cream.

Football, soccer, and golf camps continued Wednesday.

Football players practiced the fundamentals of USA blocking, drills intended to keep players heads up during blocking, a five-step approach to proper blocking technique.

Soccer players participated in agility drills and four stations: long passing, dribbling, 2 v 1 shooting drill, 3 v 2 shooting drill. They also played mini-games with five players per team and split into countries to continue their World Cup tournament.

Golfers played a four-hole Captain-and-Crew tournament. Campers tested the driving, swinging, putting, and golf etiquette skills they’ve learned during the week.

For more on Windsor’s summer program, please go to

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