WCHS to Host Free Vaccine Clinic

Windsor Central High School will host a free vaccine clinic on Friday, October 11th from 1pm-4pm. The event is open to teachers, students, and community members. You must be 18 or older unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. The following vaccines will be available: flu, COVID, RSV, pneumonia, tetanus, and shingles.
Here is the link to register. Registration is not required but is recommended to secure a spot and allows for an accurate count of needed vaccines: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfw-1rjQcMIB1wV9eZeFSq_d0Qf0WTqV8e6HQMxen3ucmEOQg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Anyone with questions can call Emily Friends at 607-788-1454.

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