Summer Program Rundown: July 12

Here are some highlights from Windsor’s summer programs for July 12:

Windsor Strong Academy:
Students continued to study what makes a community strong. One lesson was how honesty and kindness can spread. Students took a “gallery walk” with stations run by Binghamton University students. These stations were based on observations students made during a tour of Downtown Binghamton on July 11.

The stations included climate, health, wellness, budgeting, and other issues communities face. Students will pick which factor they feel is most important to making a community strong and study it further.

Knight Lights:
Today’s science lesson? Making ice cream. Students mixed cream, sugar and vanilla in one plastic back and put it into a larger one with salt and ice. After some vigorous shaking the kids had ice cream.

Also, literacy training continued for students of all ages at Knight Lights. You can learn more about that program here.

Basketball Camp:

Today featured a 3-on-3 contest, 5-on-5 games and skills stations to work on ball handling, shooting, defense and other elements of the game. The stations were run by junior varsity and varsity boys basketball players who are volunteering at the camp.

Tomorrow will feature a 1-on-1 contest, 5-on-5 games, a shooting lecture and more skills stations.

“The first day of camp I said the goal was to build community, have fun and get better at basketball. I’d say all three are happening,” said Windsor Boys Basketball coach Duncan Paddick.

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